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Nothing New Under the Sun

What an amazing world we live in!

This living breathing world is full of variety and flavour.

Millions upon millions of species of plants, animals and other life forms all formed with their unique approaches to survival, growth, and continuance of their genetic line (All as commanded in the Torah). Filling their niches in the infinitely complex web of life. Each life form expresses unique designs of structure and function reflecting the greatness of their designer.

Whether it is a butterfly who unknowingly has giant eyes on its wings to frighten a small bird from eating it, insects producing acids to use in complex chemical warfare or an octopus that uses a camouflage so sophisticated that it not only changes colour but also shape and texture competing with our computer screen technology but on a 3d level the wisdom is breathtaking.

Speaking of computer technology, is there a machine more advanced? Yes, one only need to look at any human brain. Now imagine a craft faster (size relative) and more dexterous in manoeuvrability than our fighter jets? When comparing size relativity the list is massive. From dragonflies being the most successful aerial predators taking other fast flying insects on the wing, eagles and falcons with so much grace, speed and precision though we barely notice them in the sky and bats with stealth hunting and incredible manoeuvrability through the trees flitting and dodging in blind silence.

Now look at the despised common house fly. Can any machine or aircraft take off backwards while upside down faster than we are able to catch them? Clearly our helicopter technology has massive potential for improvement.

Think on the millions if not billions spent by Mankind to, the thousands of humans which use their sharp creative minds to actively design, create and continually upgrade our technology in order to have reached our current level of advancement for computers, aircraft and other complex technologies. It is clear and obvious that an intelligent, creative mind is needed to actively design then produce even the simplest of machines. How could a passive selection process with accidental variation ever design anything much less build a world of our incredible sophistication.

Now we are dwelling amongst this Eden of wisdom and the complexity of the world is opening up to us. let us appreciate some of its great wonders. If we can humble ourselves to realise this natural technology is given to us as a gift, we may not only appreciate and be thankful for the goodness it provides but take advantage by gaining from its wisdom to advance our own technology. bettering mankind further.

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